Thursday, January 27, 2011

God Winks

     It's been quite a week -- one that keeps my head swirling and heart pounding.  From the get-go, I needed to stay on top of it before it got on top of me.  So last Saturday I called a family meeting to get a gameplan.  With pencil and paper in hand, I blocked off chunks of time to accomplish the mission ahead -- the typical stuff that fills up a family week -- school projects, piano recitals, hosting multiple ministry events, gymnastics classes, and adoption stuff just to name a little.

     Thankfully we kept on track, but I was reminded that it's not the big ticket items that make life so sweet.  While great joy is found in scheduled plans, life is really made up of all the God winks in between.  I've been on a journey to find God in the midst of the daily good and bad - when things go as planned and when they go amuck - when I'm looking eyes wide open and even when I'm burying my face in the pillow.  Because that's how God's grace is.  It's found in the ordinary, and it opens up the joy windows no matter what swirls around us. 

     I've been making a list of God's gifts, and the act of recording them has awakened me to what living really is about.  I was challenged by one of my favorite bloggers, Ann Voskamp, to begin making a list of everyday gifts.  You can read more about this beautiful project HERE, and I invite you to join me in discovering God's personal touch in every single moment of your life.   

     In celebration of Ann's newest book, One Thousand Gifts, she created this wonderful montage of living fully right where you are.  If you have just 5 minutes, be inspired by spending them here:

And my list of 1,000 Gifts continues:

49.  Words on pages that write on my heart

50.  Pizza & movie nights cozied up together

51.  Clearance sales to clothe growing bodies

52.  Salty tears

53.  Blue-eyed babes lined up for TB tests to prove their readiness to grow our family

54.  Anticipation of another precious nephew

55.  Spin bikes that pedal away tension from long days

56.  Connecting through texting

57.  Dreams of God-sized ideas

58.  Heat in our home

59.  Fire in our hearts

60.  Child-whispered prayers

61.  Muddy shoes

62.  Grandparents love

63.  Burdens that keep me running to Him

64.  A clean van

65.  Lists to keep me on track

66.  Joy in His faithfulness

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